Thursday, July 27, 2017

Save that Voicemail

A few times, the same issue has been brought to our attention, "How to permanently save a voicemail message?"  This request has come as people have found voicemails from departed loved ones which they wish to cherish somehow and of course such files can be great artifacts for GoneNotGone.

The good news is that there are ways to do this, obviously depending on the device, but in many cases without much (if any) loss of audio quality.

Apple iPhone (iOS 9):

Open the voicemail application, select the voicemail and then click on the share icon:

You can then forward as you want.

Generic phone with a headphone jack:

You can record direct to your computer.

First you will need a standard audio lead:

Plug it into the headphone socket on your phone and then the audio (or microphone) socket on your computer:

Open the Recording Devices menu by right clicking on the speaker icon on the right side of the task bar:

and then make sure that Line-In has a green check mark (for default):

Open the "Voice Recorder" application which should be in your Windows Menu.  Have your phone ready to play the voicemail, then click on the microphone icon in Voice Recorder and start playing the voicemail:

Hit the stop icon when the voicemail has finished and it is now saved to your computer.  When you play it back, you may be surprised at the sound quality.

How about a landline?

Many landlines today are VOIP (voice over internet protocol), many can be configured to send voicemails direct to your email.  If this is not configured and you have a voicemail stored, then you may need to contact your phone company to get it configured and find a way to access the old voicemail.

If you are still using a clunky old external voice recorder, you may need to set it to play and then use a laptop (or similar) to record the message from the device speaker, which may result in some loss of audio quality.

Once you have your file it is obviously up to you what you do with it, but it could be part of a very special message on GoneNotGone, sending a recording of Grandma along with your own voice.

If you have any queries, or need any help with something like this, please send us an email at

Peter Barrett