Monday, March 6, 2017

Organ Donation - Who Knows?

In Texas the process for organ donation is about to change.  Rather than opting-in to donate your organs, when you apply for your Driver's License you will have to opt-out.

The reasons given are that there are not enough organ donations and people are dying who could otherwise live through organ donation.

I am not going to get into the whys of organ donation, that is a personal decision and no one person can really know what may make a person think one way or another.  However there is a far more important point and the the reason for this blog:

    Do those close to you know your wishes?

This is as simple as letting your wife/husband/daughter etc. know that you would or would not like your organs donated.  In particular if you have strong opinions on this, then those close to you should know, so that when it comes to it your wishes are met.

My wife and I both think the same and we both know that, we have discussed it and if/when the time comes we know what to do.  This brings us peace of mind.  It is all part of being prepared for when the end comes.

Of course GoneNotGone is all about helping to prepare for what happens when we pass, please check back to our blog and in the meantime check out

Peter Barrett

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